Life: The Ultimate Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Life: The Ultimate Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Hosted by: Cliff Ravenscraft and Daphne Scott

Join Cliff and Daphne on the podcast and in this great adventure in the game of life! The uncertainty of our next move can be one of a thrilling adventure or one of paralyzing fear. Cliff and Daphne know the drill and...


Ep 14 Achieving Peace and Joy in Life Without the Striving

Unlock the secrets to mastering peace and joy in the complex game of life. Imagine for a moment life as the ultimate choose-your-own-adventure game, where every choice leads to new paths, challenges, and rewards. Yet,...
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Episode 13 Are You Focused on Losing or Gaining?

In this week's riveting show, we discuss loss aversion and how to work with it in our daily lives. WeĀ delve into the prospect theory by Kahneman and Tversky, highlighting how individuals perceive the fear of loss to...
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Ep 12 How Do You Handle the Card You're Dealt

This week's show is all about how we improvise with the cards that life deals us. We discuss the concepts of 'yes and', taking and giving focus, having each other's backs on the journey of life, why being present...
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Ep 11 Are You Asking Great Questions

In this week's episode we are discussing the quality of our questions and the work of Byron Katie. We explore the topic of questions as a means of working with the mind, how our thoughts create our suffering, why some...
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Ep 10 What Do You Want to Create

In this episode we are talking about what we really want to create in our life and what happens when we simply focus on the problems. We discuss how our identity and how we see ourself can create limits to what we...
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Ep 09 Who Am I?

In this episode we discuss the concept of the identity: what is it, how is it helpful and the moments when it isn't. We discuss the concept of the personas or 'masks' that we all wear at different times and for...
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Ep 8 Work Or Play-Let Others Decide What You're Doing

In this week's episode we talk about the gift of creative endeavors and why reframing the idea of work and the meaning of our life is worth the effort. We define what we mean by work, why following the 'shiny thing'...
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Ep 7 The Map and States of Consciousness

In this week's show, we discuss the many states of consciousness and how we can work with them in our daily lives. We specifically discuss the Map of Consciousness as written about by Dr. David Hawkins, the different...
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EP 6 How To Get Past Resistance to Make Your Next Move

This episode is all about those moments when we seem to resist making our next move in the game of life. We discuss the idea of procrastination as a form of enlightenment and as a 'check engine light' in life versus...
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Ep 5 How Not To Get Hosed in the Game of Life

In this week's episode we highlight a commencement speech given by David Foster Wallace titled "This Is Water." If you have not listened to his talk, you can find it here. I highly recommend listening to it. We...
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Ep 4 The Rules of the Game

In this week's episode we discuss the rules of the game in this life's adventure. We discuss an article that became a book by Clayton Christensen "How Will You Measure Your Life",Ā what exactly we mean by 'rule',...
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Ep 3 What is Mindfulness and Why Should We Care

In this week's episode we discuss the basic concept of Mindfulness. We discuss what it means to apply it and define it through our own experience. We discuss how the idea of a fixed identity can limit us and keep us...
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